A Fresh Start

Hey everyone! It’s been a while since I last posted, and I wanted to reconnect and share what’s been happening behind the scenes. As some of you may know, I’m a proud mom of three energetic boys, and life has been a bit of a balancing act between family, health, and growing my business.

Starting a new business has had its challenges, but it’s also given me the chance to refocus. During this time, I’ve been working steadily behind the scenes, looking for ways to bring you even more high-quality, exciting products. At penn + chio KIDS, my goal has always been to offer families fun, functional, and eco-friendly items that make life with kids just a little easier.

I’m thrilled to announce that in addition to shopping online at www.pennchiokids.com, you’ll now be able to find some of our most popular products at Angelic Boutique in Newmarket! This is a huge milestone for me and my business, and I can’t wait for you to explore the stock in-store. You will be able to find our Bobo&Boo Plant-Based Dinnerware sets, Dëna Educational Toys, Mimi & Luna Accessories, and The GoBe Spinner!

If you’ve never visited Angelic Touch Boutique before, you’re in for a treat. Located in Newmarket, this charming store has a well-curated selection of items that are perfect for anyone who appreciates elegance and timeless style. The boutique’s warm and inviting atmosphere makes shopping an absolute pleasure, and staff is always on hand to offer personalized recommendations.

Thank you all for your continued support and patience throughout this journey. I’m beyond excited for what’s to come and look forward to sharing even more updates and new products with you soon!

With love and gratitude,


Bath Time & Solful Organics


Embracing Gratitude